Project Love is a community dance program designed to strengthen a community by enhancing the relationships of its members. Utilizing the art of Dance and Theater, we engage in a variety of movement explorations and revelations. Accessing the depth of each individual’s ability to create, communicate and collaborate allows us to connect as a community and a culture on a foundational level.

Project Love builds better communicators and better communicators make better community members.

This program is designed for 2 experiences.

Part 1: We learn to play to create using curiosity, imagination, resilience and generosity.

Part 2: We learn to express our best by developing focus, persistence, contribution and performance.

Project Love is all about learning to move with love. Letʻs go.

Part 1: Exploration and Examination
Project (präˌjekt) Love: to experiment with Love The first 5 days are spent as a community getting to know one another and exploring all the different variations of love. We move through a variety of exercises in creativity, communication and collaboration in order to help us explore and understand how our emotions affect our movement, and how our movement affects our emotions.
Part 2: Projection and Expression
Project (prəˈjekt) Love: to show and express Love The last 5 days are spent learning how to improve and edit our choreography and most importantly how to perform at our best. 6 world renowned professional artists join the last week of our program to help collaborate and perform alongside the community members.
Final thoughts

Project Love brings together an intergenerational mix of dancers and non-dancers, professionals and students. This show is about showcasing the beauty of our community and our ability to show Love.


  • Mark Willson

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, viris omittam ius ea, pri ne vocent feugait dissentiet, mel at offendit perfecto voluptatibus. Eius semper ex his, sint clita eruditi nam ut. Vix eu possit imperdiet efficiantur eu oratio.

  • Donna Poole

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, viris omittam ius ea, pri ne vocent feugait mea dissentiet, mel at offendit ex his perfecto voluptatibus eius semper.

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