Balance is a senior citizen movement workshop series that brings awareness and ownership to each individual’s limitations and their relationship to their own sense of balance; physically, mentally and emotionally.

Balance is a multi-layered experience. We explore a variety of movements to learn about our individual balance. We then engage in various partnering exercises to expand our balance into our relationships. We end our experience together with group exercises showcasing the power of group balance.

Balance is not a workshop to find physical balance. It’s a workshop that helps us find stability in an unbalanced world. Utilizing the 3 Cʻs Philosophy (Creativity, Communication and Collaboration) and improvisational movement challenges, we find creativity and flexibility in the mind and the body. We create new connections and communication within ourselves and with the group both verbal and non-verbal. In the end we collaborate to learn how to be a balanced individual and how to create a balanced community.

Why do we need to BALANCE?

In today’s western world of health and aging, medical professionals isolate the body from the mind and most often fail to acknowledge the spirit (emotions). The western world divides the harmony of the human being to a point where focus and balance cannot occur.

In the United States, healing and balance has become a competition – something to achieve and attain. We fail to understand that balance and health is a collaboration of self and community. We have lost the ability to see the direct connection between the mind, body and emotions. Most of our daily intentions and actions have been guided by our emotions from ourselves and others. In our heads we see fears, unwanted scenarios and futures that do not exist. We create mental blocks and negative hesitation in our bodies because of these fears. We have lost sight of what we do have because we choose to focus on what we don’t want.
Balance can only be found in the present moment. The past will help you, the future may hurt you, but the present is a gift of balance that we must relearn to receive. Learning to be present is learning to be balanced.


  • Mark Willson

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, viris omittam ius ea, pri ne vocent feugait dissentiet, mel at offendit perfecto voluptatibus. Eius semper ex his, sint clita eruditi nam ut. Vix eu possit imperdiet efficiantur eu oratio.

  • Donna Poole

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, viris omittam ius ea, pri ne vocent feugait mea dissentiet, mel at offendit ex his perfecto voluptatibus eius semper.

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