3Cʻs Educational Curriculum: Within every class lies this foundation of learning.

MISSION: Our mission is to create a strong work ethic in every student by enhancing their ability to create, communicate and collaborate with others.

FOCUS: Creativity, Communication, Collaboration

THE EXPERIENCE: Dance, Music and Theater will be our mediums for communication

Our workshop will be a commitment to the 3 C’s: Creativity, Communication and Collaboration. The workshop will be structured according to these three sections and layered with the physical, mental and emotional experience. We will begin exploring creativity by engaging in various forms and techniques of dance and movement. We will engage in various forms of communication through multiple partnering exercises and activities. We will experience true collaboration by combining our wisdom to choreograph short stories that we perform for one another. We will also learn to give and receive feedback inorder to help us better our art and our artwork.
We utilize Creativity to expand our awareness of possibility (what is possible) and perspective (all the different ways to approach an idea). Creativity is needed to unlock and define our identity. Creativity defines artistry and artistry performs personality.
We utilize Communication to enhance connection, compassion and understanding between one another. Communication is a key tool for empathy, respect, and community. It’s the bridge between respect and trust. Communication is how we connect with our community and voice our identity.

We utilize Collaboration to enhance group awareness, connection and choreography. Collaboration is combining our collective wisdom to create an unexpected wealth of knowledge. Collaboration is where identity and community create culture.


  • Mark Willson

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, viris omittam ius ea, pri ne vocent feugait dissentiet, mel at offendit perfecto voluptatibus. Eius semper ex his, sint clita eruditi nam ut. Vix eu possit imperdiet efficiantur eu oratio.

  • Donna Poole

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, viris omittam ius ea, pri ne vocent feugait mea dissentiet, mel at offendit ex his perfecto voluptatibus eius semper.

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