Art dies in freedom, but lives in constraints. Leonardo Da Vinci

[PLAY] is an artist in residency program designed for schools and businesses. Through collaboration and dance we learn to play between the lines and the limits that guide our decisions. Rules, limits, laws and boundaries are all needed to organize our thoughts and define our understandings. Unknowingly, we need those same rules and limits to unleash our creativity and unlock our potential.

[PLAY] is an educational collaboration between a classroom teacher(s), organizational leaders and a professional artist designed to expand the minds and abilities of each participant. [PLAY] teaches us to open our perspective and how to see through the lens of opportunity.

Based on Flow Kākouʻs 3 C’s Educational pedagogy. We will access Creativity, Communication and Collaboration through dance, music and theater. We will move to understand how our limits are our starting lines to success. [PLAY] helps to guide us through limitation and imagination.


  • Mark Willson

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, viris omittam ius ea, pri ne vocent feugait dissentiet, mel at offendit perfecto voluptatibus. Eius semper ex his, sint clita eruditi nam ut. Vix eu possit imperdiet efficiantur eu oratio.

  • Donna Poole

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, viris omittam ius ea, pri ne vocent feugait mea dissentiet, mel at offendit ex his perfecto voluptatibus eius semper.

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