ReCollect is an educational expedition through dance, music and theater. As a community, we will reflect on how we used to move, reconnect with what we are able to move, and reveal our humanity through how we choose to move together.

We will move though individual and group improvised movements and emotions. We will learn new partnering techniques, approaches, skills, awarenesses and sensitivities. We will collaborate to choreograph personal and group expressions of emotions, statements and stories.

ReCollect is designed to combat the mental health crisis presently affecting our country and culture. Enhancing our learning process will only enhance the way learned information is used and retained. We are not teaching art to create artists. We are using art to teach us about being human. Innovation is not about creating something new. Innovation is listening to what is not being said.

It’s time we ReCollect for a brighter future. Letʻs get to work!


  • Mark Willson

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, viris omittam ius ea, pri ne vocent feugait dissentiet, mel at offendit perfecto voluptatibus. Eius semper ex his, sint clita eruditi nam ut. Vix eu possit imperdiet efficiantur eu oratio.

  • Donna Poole

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, viris omittam ius ea, pri ne vocent feugait mea dissentiet, mel at offendit ex his perfecto voluptatibus eius semper.

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